Frequently Asked Questions

General Appointments & Bookings

You can book an appointment by either

Calling the practice at

Norwest Private Rooms: 02 8805 7900

Westmead Private Rooms: 02 9687 9644

Or by emailing

Yes, a referral from your GP or another specialist is required for both obstetric and gynaecological appointments to ensure you receive the appropriate Medicare rebates.

I have private consulting rooms at Westmead Private, and Norwest Private Hospitals.

I can admit and treat patients at Westmead, and Norwest Private Hospitals and Westmead Public Hospital.

You may choose to birth or have surgery in any of these facilities.

Please bring:

  • Your referral letter
  • Medicare card and private health insurance details (if applicable)
  • Copies of any recent test results, ultrasounds, or medical reports
  • A list of current medications and medical history

Pregnancy Care & Antenatal Appointments

Ideally, your first appointment should be around 8 weeks of pregnancy, but I can see you earlier if needed.


  • Every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
  • Every 2 weeks until 36 weeks
  • Weekly from 36 weeks until birth
    This schedule may vary based on your pregnancy needs.

These may be an option depending on your medical history. I will discuss your individual circumstances to help you make an informed decision.

Options include natural pain management techniques, water immersion, nitrous oxide (gas), epidurals, and other medical pain relief. We will discuss your preferences in advance.

If you believe you’re in labour or have an urgent pregnancy concern, please contact the hospital where you are booked.

Gynaecological Care & Surgery

I provide care for a range of conditions, including menstrual disorders, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain, contraception, menopause, and more.

Yes, I specialize in laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery for conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts.

Recovery depends on the type of procedure. For laparoscopic surgery, most patients can return to light activities within a few days and normal activities within 2–4 weeks.

Fees & Insurance

Fees vary depending on the type of consultation or procedure. If you have a valid referral, you will receive a Medicare rebate. Please contact our office for a detailed fee schedule.

Yes, I work with most private health funds for hospital-based care. Please check with your insurer about your coverage for obstetric or gynaecological services.

For non-urgent queries, you can contact my office via phone or email. Our team will assist you, and if needed, arrange an appointment to address your concerns.