ResourcesLinks/Articles O&G Magazine: Placing the Mother at the Heart of Decision Making: Dr Gaya and Dr Pesce Obstetric ResourcesAntenatal Care During Pregnancy Assisted Birth Breech Presentation End of Pregnancy Caesarean Section Common Questions In Pregnancy Contraception Depression Anxiety During Pregnancy Exercise During Pregnancy First Few Weeks Following Birth Food in pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Group B Streptococcus Having a baby NSW Health Booklet HBP Preeclampsia During Pregnancy Induction Labour Labour Birth Monitoring Babys Heart Rate Labour Pain Relief Labour Childbirth Planning for Pregnancy Pregnancy Loss Prenatal Screening Chromosomal Genetic Conditions Red Blood Cell Alloimmunisation Reproductive Carrier Screening Travelling During Pregnancy Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Weight Changes During Pregnancy Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Gynaecological ResourcesCervical Screening Endometrial Ablation Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Hysterectomy Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Menopause Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pudendal Neuralgia Stress Urinary Incontinence Mental Health Resources PANDA (Perinatal Anxeity and Depression Australia) Gidget Foundation Other Useful Links Australian Breast Feeding Association Mothersafe (Telephone advise and counselling for medications in pregnancy)